A giant purple gorilla creates a large impression when people drive by your dealership, however, there are several gorillas sleeping inside your dealership that can create much larger impressions.

These gorillas are the TV screens in your dealership.

In most stores, these screens are displaying local or cable television programming that can alienate your audience. However, you can wake these screens up with custom content to drives the success of your dealership.

Let’s look at a few ways to drive custom messaging on the different screens in your dealership.


You never get a second chance to make a first impression and nothing makes a bigger impression than a large video wall in your showroom. Imagine the first time someone walks into your dealership and they see a massive screen detailing the sleek lines of the newest model of your featured cars, displaying the performance specs and creating appeal.  Follow this up with customized dealership branding media to make your visitors connect emotionally with you.

With a digital signage program, you can create custom channels for the video screens your visitors see when they enter your dealership. These initial images should be high-level looks at your top of the line products that help generate appeal for your brand.

F&I Waiting

Once a person has agreed on the deal and passed to F&I, they are often left stuck in front of a screen where you have no control over what they see, or worse they have nothing to command their attention and their mind can begin to question their buying decision.  This is a fantastic opportunity to serve up messaging that encourages them to engage with your social media accounts, drive reviews and learn more about the F&I product offered to more easily engage in conversations about vehicle add on programs.

For example, you could feature true stories of people who have purchased an extended warranty on the screen. They could talk about how easy the program was to use, how much money it saved them or other excellent features and benefits. This tees up the conversation for an extended warranty program.

Service Waiting Lounge

The Service Lounge is a great place to catch returning visitors, educate them about the myriad of items available to them, and most importantly reinforce your dealership brand.  A few of the most popular we see dealers using are:

  •  Specials on service
  •  Other services offered
  •  New car trade in programs (with offers based on vehicles knows to be coming in that day)
  •  Loyalty reward programs

An example for many car service shops is tires. Most consumers do not naturally thing of the dealership when they need new tires. The digital signage can educate customers on the hazards and tire wear, and then we can create on your screens of ads that focus on tires, how you compare to competitive chains and even offer some sort of reward for returning for new tires in the future.

These are just a few easy examples of how to better leverage the TV screens in your dealership. For a custom consultation on how AutoVision TV can work with you to wake up the gorillas in your dealership contact us today.